Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st Sparkling Jewels Weekly Reflection

Capstone GPS Leadership Outcomes Reflection Name:A’lexûs Austin Date: March 24, 2011 Project: Sparkling Jewels What is the goal of the project? How has it changed over the course of Capstone? We have nine goals that describe the distinctive character of the Jewel culture. They flow directly from the mission and anticipate the vision. They are: Cultivation of Intellect, Leadership Development & Self Governance, Commitment to Community, Education, Officers, Responsible Personal Conduct, Member Recruitment, Communication, and Lifelong Sisterhood. Your Capstone Project is a tool for you to demonstrate your college readiness and global competency. Use the GPS Global Leadership Performance Outcomes to evaluate your college readiness and global competency. Investigate the World: Produce New Global Knowledge. Students investigate the world, including their immediate environment. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? By teaching the girls about other arts of dance and giving the school a dance team. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? My strengths are learning and teaching the girls how to dance. I have been dancing my whole life and learning new things just by watching other people dance. This is demonstrated in my capstone project in the pictures and reflections of the girls. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? My weaknesses are taking the time out to view how other culture do the dancing that they do because I never have the time or take the time out of my schedule to do so. I plan to correct these weaknesses making sure that I write down a day and time in my planner to just sit down and watch some videos. Recognize and Weigh Perspectives: Apply Cross-Cultural Understanding. Students recognize their own and others’ perspectives. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? I listen to what the girls have to say and what they think should be done. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? My strengths in this area are just speaking to the girls and asking them how they feel, it is my strength because I believe in the girls and their opinions. This is demonstrated in my capstone in all the reflections that the girls are stating to write about how their week is going or has gone. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? I never had a weakness in this area but I believe that if I would have talked to the girls earlier about writing about their weekly progress and feeling then everyone would know who they feel instead of just me. You all would understand more about our Capstone project. Communicate Ideas: Connect & Collaborate Across Boundaries. Students communicate and collaborate effectively with diverse audiences. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? Just as I stated in the multiple perspectives part I speak with the girls and see what ideas they have and tell them about ideas that I have thought of. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? My strengths are speaking of the ideas because it is easy for me to just communicate with the girls. This is not demonstrated in my binder but I’m starting to start writing my ideas and the girls as we speak them. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? My weakness was nervousness in front of the class and teachers and also the putting of ideas on paper. I consider them weaknesses because if I’m not able to present my what I’m doing you all won’t know what I have accomplished. I’m going to starting writing all the ideas we have on paper. Take Action: Enact Global Solutions. Students translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? I have basically founded the Sparkling Jewels dance team. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? Teaching and having girls involved. I’m a very spirited person to be around and sweet. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? My weakness is displining the girls because I'm just a kid myself. This week I had to really have a meeting with the girls about one girl feeling she was being disrepected.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Invisible Children

Please help us end the war. The violence in Uganda and the Congo due to Joesph Conney is unbearable. He has taken children away from their home to fight as his solders. We want to send out radios, rescue squads, and bring peace and prosperity. Help us reach our goal we all can overcome. Any little bit helps. Tell your parents, teachers, and friends to come to my page and help me reach my goal by April, 25th.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ECO6: Budget Cut on Education

While we as a country have been helping so many other countries give education to their children we are taking away the education of our children. The budget cuts in education is the worst thing that the United States could do. Many of us are hoping to go off to college in the fall but with the budget cuts it may not be possible. Most of us come from families that don't have the funds to help us get the college education we deserve so we have been applying for financial aid but it still doesn't cover the cost. Why should we care about our future if our government doesn't care about us? Why are we losing our Magnet programs? Why does our class sizes have to increase for the classes that most of us are already struggling in? Why do many of our schools have to be closed down? Why do we have to lose the teachers that have help us accomplish in life? The ones that believed in us when our parents didn't? Why should we try so hard in school if later on down the line we won't be able to better our education because the GOVERNMENT believes that the educational budget isn't important. How do you all expect us as students to reach our goals in life if we can't get the grants we need? We all have done our parts. Gone to school. Made great marks. Given to our Communities and even to our schools. We are education and by you cutting the budget you are cutting our lives. Here are a couple of article that might help you know whats happening: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/01/us-usa-states-universities-idUSTRE7306SR20110401?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews http://content.usatoday.com/communities/onpolitics/post/2011/04/paul-ryan-republican-budget-medicare-/1 http://www.arcadeherald.com/articles/2011/04/04/news/doc4d9775b8bb2db327263759.txt
I'm Mobile :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24th Sparkling Jewels Reflection

Capstone GPS Leadership Outcomes Reflection Name:A’lexûs Austin Date: March 24, 2011 Project: Sparkling Jewels What is the goal of the project? How has it changed over the course of Capstone? We have nine goals that describe the distinctive character of the Jewel culture. They flow directly from the mission and anticipate the vision. They are: Cultivation of Intellect, Leadership Development & Self Governance, Commitment to Community, Education, Officers, Responsible Personal Conduct, Member Recruitment, Communication, and Lifelong Sisterhood. Your Capstone Project is a tool for you to demonstrate your college readiness and global competency. Use the GPS Global Leadership Performance Outcomes to evaluate your college readiness and global competency. Investigate the World: Produce New Global Knowledge. Students investigate the world, including their immediate environment. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? By teaching the girls about other arts of dance and giving the school a dance team. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? My strengths are learning and teaching the girls how to dance. I have been dancing my whole life and learning new things just by watching other people dance. This is demonstrated in my capstone project in the pictures and reflections of the girls. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? My weaknesses are taking the time out to view how other culture do the dancing that they do because I never have the time or take the time out of my schedule to do so. I plan to correct these weaknesses making sure that I write down a day and time in my planner to just sit down and watch some videos. Recognize and Weigh Perspectives: Apply Cross-Cultural Understanding. Students recognize their own and others’ perspectives. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? I listen to what the girls have to say and what they think should be done. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? My strengths in this area are just speaking to the girls and asking them how they feel, it is my strength because I believe in the girls and their opinions. This is demonstrated in my capstone in all the reflections that the girls are stating to write about how their week is going or has gone. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? I never had a weakness in this area but I believe that if I would have talked to the girls earlier about writing about their weekly progress and feeling then everyone would know who they feel instead of just me. You all would understand more about our Capstone project. Communicate Ideas: Connect & Collaborate Across Boundaries. Students communicate and collaborate effectively with diverse audiences. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? Just as I stated in the multiple perspectives part I speak with the girls and see what ideas they have and tell them about ideas that I have thought of. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? My strengths are speaking of the ideas because it is easy for me to just communicate with the girls. This is not demonstrated in my binder but I’m starting to start writing my ideas and the girls as we speak them. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? My weakness was nervousness in front of the class and teachers and also the putting of ideas on paper. I consider them weaknesses because if I’m not able to present my what I’m doing you all won’t know what I have accomplished. I’m going to strating writing all the ideas we have on paper. Take Action: Enact Global Solutions. Students translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions. How have you incorporated this element of the GPS into your Capstone project? I have basically founded the Sparkling Jewels dance team. Where are your strengths in this area? Why are they strengths? Where is this demonstrated in your Capstone? Teaching and having girls involved. I’m a very spirited person to be around and sweet. Where are your weaknesses in this area? Why do you consider these to be weaknesses? How do you plan on correcting these weaknesses? My weakness is displining the girls because I don’t want to be to mean abd have them go away but I also need them to respect my wishes. I have had problems with one girl whom is at practice physically but never mentally. I have decided to let her go because she is slowing down our progress.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hi, I'm A'lexus Austin from the I plan on going to college for political science but I have yet to decide on the University.